Friday, January 27, 2012

Burning 'Em Up

These ladies are burning calories AND enjoying themselves at the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less class at the Agricultural Learning Center.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less 2012

Here's Teresa at the first class of Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less preparing Lemon Velvet Supreme with participant Elizabeth Roberts. Contact Teresa at 837-2210 for more info about Eat Smart.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Spring Gardening Classes to be Held

You have the plants? Now what? We are offering classes to help guide you with planting, maintaining, harvesting and preserving your garden. Classes will be offered on Wednesday, March 7, at L & N Depot during the annual 4-H plant sale pickup day. Classes are open to anyone interested in growing fruit trees and berries, as well as preserving them. You do not have to purchase plants to attend the classes. Following is the schedule of classes:
10:00-10:30 Planting, Pruning, Maintaining Fruit Trees
12:00-12:30 Planting and Care of Berries and Grapes
2:00- 2:30 Preserving Fruits and Berries

No need to pre-register.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Radon - A Silent Killer

Radon – A Silent Killer

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is invisible, odorless, and tasteless gas. Radon is released harmlessly from the ground into outdoor air, but it can accumulate and reach harmful levels when trapped in homes and buildings.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that radon is responsible for more than 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. after smoking and the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. Since radon does not have an odor and is invisible, people tend to downplay the health effects and ignore the possibility that there might be a silent killer within the walls of their home.

Cherokee County has been designated as a Zone 1 County by the US Environmental Protection Agency, which means the average home will test over 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L), the level at which it is recommended that you fix your home. Houses in the same neighborhood can have very different levels, so every home should be tested. Testing homes for radon is simple and inexpensive. Radon test kits can be purchased at local hardware and home improvement stores, directly from radon testing companies, or are available for free during January from the NC Radon Program. A limited number of radon kits will be available in the Cherokee County Cooperative Extension office in January. They will be available on a first come basis. The Cooperative Extension Office is located in downtown Murphy at 39 Peachtree Street, suite 103. Should your home be found to have elevated levels of radon, the problem can be fixed by qualified contractors for a cost similar to that of many other home repairs. In our area, the cost can be from $1,000 to $2,500 depending on the home.

The NC Radon Program urges residents to take action during this year’s National Radon Action Month by testing their homes for radon. Radon poses a serious threat to our community’s health, but there is a straightforward solution. For more information on radon and to receive your free radon test kit, please contact your Cooperative Extension office at 837-2210 or visit the NC Radon Program’s website at

A New You for 2012

A new you is within reach. With New Year’s resolutions we see the age-old commitment to lose weight and improve eating habits. Just as other habits that we try to change sometimes need help, this challenge is no different. There are many resources available to help but there is one in Cherokee County that may be your best option. Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is a national and state supported initiative sponsored by Cooperative Extension.
This program features weekly strategies, group support, and educational materials to help you with your weight management goal. While there is a weekly weigh in, pounds lost are not the only benchmark of success. Many people realize inches lost before actual pound reduction. Call the Cherokee County Cooperative Extension Office today and sign up for the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program. There are two different opportunities that you can take advantage of:
Session 1 Hiwassee Valley Pool and Wellness Center, Murphy
Each Thursday starting January 19th 9-10 am

Session 2 Agriculture Learning Center, Ranger
Each Tuesday and Thursday starting January 19th 4-5 pm

Session 2 is different in that a workout is included with the program. You only need to bring an exercise matt and a set of light dumbbells for each class.

The cost for session 1 is $10.00.
The cost for session 2 is $20.00.

Both programs will run for approximately 15 weeks.
Contact Teresa Goley at 837-2210 to register and obtain more information.